Our sorting system increases our weighing capacity, putting less stress on your cattle, getting them weighed faster with less stand & wait time, therefore putting more pounds in your cattle. This sort barn focuses on ranchers and farmers that have large groups of cattle to be placed in show pens featured throughout the presort.
Our feed pens are nicely bedded with clean fresh straw and round bale feeders are filled with good hay. Our friendly & trained staff is ready to work for you, the producer, in a professional manner. If there are ever any questions about how the presort and show pens work, or even on what we do here at the market – do not hesitate to call Jesse Lawes at 780-753-8590 or Kody Lakevold at 780-753-7507.
At VLE we thank everyone for the past patronage and business! We look forward to serving you in all you cattle marketing needs. Give us a call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
See you on sale day.
– The management and staff at Vermilion Livestock Exchange