Market Report Week of01/29/2025
Number of Cattle Sold1675
Presort Price ListMARKET-REPORT-JAN-29.pdf
182 TO 192
175 TO 182
185 TO 200
175 TO 220
175 TO 220
We had a nice run of feeder cattle on offer this week, another small wave of sellers motivated by a very high market and fears of tariffs from our neighbours to the south. The feeder cattle market was steady to stronger across the board again, today. $2-3 stronger on most classes of steers, but as much as $8 stronger on the 6 weight steers. Heifers sold basically steady with last week.
Packers are pretty aggressively buying fat cattle and are paying more every day to get them and keep the chains moving. This feeder market seems hard to believe at times, but the bottom line is that feeders are selling profitable cattle and are competing hard to replace inventory.
Have a great rest of the week!
-Jesse Lawes