Market Report Week of | 02/21/2024 |
Number of Cattle Sold | 1278 |
Presort Price List | MARKET-REPORT-FEB-21.pdf |
D1 & D2 Cows | 140 TO 152 |
D3 & D4 Cows | 130 TO 140 |
Feeder Cows | 145 TO 185 |
Bologna Bulls (>2000 lbs) | 100 TO 166 |
Comments | Yesterday we had a nice run of feeder cattle. The cattle all sold steady to stronger. On the steer side, the 625-750lb steers were $4-7 stronger, all other weights were basically steady. The heifers were steady to $3 stronger across the board. The cows made a move higher this week. Most classes of cows were $4-6 higher. Bulls were fully steady. Join us on Monday for The Kuzio Farms & Ty-D Livestock bull sale at 2pm, or tune in on DLMS! - Jesse Lawes |