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Market Report Week of12/04/2024
Number of Cattle Sold2600
Presort Price ListMARKET-REPORT-DEC-4.pdf
D1 & D2 Cows165 TO 175
D3 & D4 Cows155 TO 165
Feeder Cows170 TO 185
Bologna Bulls (<2000 lbs)150 TO 195
Bologna Bulls (>2000 lbs)160 TO 209

Today we had a nice run of feeder cattle with a big percentage of the offering weighing from 600-700lbs. The steers sold fully steady with some feature groups trading a couple bucks stronger. The heifer trade was mixed, under 600lb sold fully steady, but heifers right at 600lbs and over seemed to take a step back after some big gains seen in this weight group over the last 10 days. Check out the full presort list for specific prices.

Don't forget about the Bred Heifer and Cow Extravaganza coming up on Monday! 400 bred heifers and 120 cows on offer at this sale. Have a great rest of the week!
-Jesse Lawes