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Market Report Week of12/11/2024
Number of Cattle Sold2030
Presort Price ListMARKET-REPORT-DEC-11.pdf
D1 & D2 Cows165 TO 175
D3 & D4 Cows150 TO 164
Feeder Cows175 TO 188
Bologna Bulls (<2000 lbs)160 TO 200
Bologna Bulls (>2000 lbs)180 TO 215

As the peak numbers of fall run move into the rear view mirror, the feeder market is showing no sign of weakness. All classes of cattle sold fully steady with the heavy steers selling $3-5/cwt stronger. Also, top quality replacement heifers traded very strong.

The cows and bulls both traded flat. The cow market has been very resilient through the fall run. A 30% pull back in the cull market from summer highs to fall lows is very normal, but this year we have seen less than a 15% pull back from the summer high.

Our next feeder and regular sale will be our last sale of 2024. Have a great rest of the week!
-Jesse Lawes